our Mission





Uniting for Artem Nataliia and Ukraine started as a private fund by our President, Katie Rios, to help raise money to assist Artem and Nataliia, two Ukrainian refugees she sponsors through the Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) program by the USCIS and DHS government agencies.

Our President felt that Nataliia, Artem, and herself were in a good financial place that the objective of the fund could more widely benefit Ukraine and its people. $200 of the what was raised priorly was donated to Restore Ukraine and Vols for Ukraine, even in the beginning our President aimed to donate money to registered non-profits aiding Ukraine and its people. Now, that is our one and only mission. 

In October 2023, our President started the process of becoming an official, tax-exempt, non-profit with the state of Tennessee and the IRS. Receiving the letter from the IRS approving the application to be tax-exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3) in the first days of December 2023!

We look forward to future fundraisers, events, and drives to aid organizations such as Voices of Children and Good Bread.

Katie Rios - President, Founder

Sean MacHenry - Secretary

Olivia Moses

Rachel Remer

Jannah Vanié

To ensure that all innocent people are cared for until there are no more wars.

We are united in purpose and community to support Ukraine and its people.

Our Vision
Our Values
Our Story
Our Team

Our mission is to unite people around Ukraine

To spread awareness of the people in Ukraine and refugees in US

Provide donation and expenses details as well as where the money is going how to will be used

To be true to our mission, vision, values, donors, beneficiaries, and the people of Ukraine and world

About us

Board of Directors


Mariia Onishchenko - Fundraising/Planned Giving Coordinator

Donna Rios

Natasha Schultz