vols for ukraine

Vols for Ukraine's (VFU) mission is to help bridge the gap, enabling refugee families to survive as they pursue long-term, stable sources of income and resources for which they are qualified and eligible. 

VFU to provide temporary emergency assistance, including food, shelter, transportation, medical care, and language services to Ukrainian refugees living in or moving to Tennessee.

VFU gathers and distributes gifts, charitable contributions, and bequests in a variety of forms to help those refugees who lack the resources to adequately provide for themselves and their families.

VFU partners with organizations like United Help Ukraine, Bridge Refugee Services, Families First, and local churches to provide housing, job training, English language training, tutoring, transportation, medical care, and more. Recipient and volunteer host families may apply for VFU funds to help with specific needs, such as medical bills for doctor visits, grocery money, and educational expenses.

about VFU

From their Mission Page


April - May 2024 (Mother's Day Royal Ball)

$460 Raised ($414 granted)